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FS9, FSX, FSX-SE, multiplayer

While signing onto Steam the other day, I noticed that it said I have "played" FSX-SE 1100 hours to date. At that moment I decided to take a break. Between the 3 sims and 2 flight computers, I think I'll back off a bit at least for a few weeks. Well fast forward to the end of September and I'm an hour from 1400 hours on FSX:SE.



My Flights and other ramblings

My recent kick is to experiment with navigation techniques. Like all other pilots here I started with VOR's, NDB's and ILS's, or just plain ole looking out the window. I knew there was a GPS in the planes but truthfully I did'nt want to bother with it cause I preferred to fly the old fashing way. (note about this blog. I wanted to keep it fresh instead of having old ramblings here and I just deleted everything instead of saving and posting the old stuff on a html page. Opps.) After years of no


mqytn in My Flights


I guess most operators of flightsim servers put a hop list for pilots to uhhhh...enjoy...lol. Here on flightsim.com there is a list of hops designed for small aircraft. I use the default 172 and 182. Hopping involves flying online from one apt to another. There is no ATC. It is up to the pilot to decide how to get to the next destination. The most basic way to fly this set of hops is to jump up and fly the heading it says to fly. Some airports have ILS runways but most have nothing at all. For a



flights grounded

Actually this is a blog test. I just wanted to see if when and where this would show up. I have 3 computers. One is dead or dying, one is going full force with fs9 and fsx and fs 2002 on it. I'm in the process of looking for my fs98 disk. I hope I find it. Right after of getting this idea that I would fly 100 hours in the WN virtual airline, I grounded all flights. I really need to do a list of things not computer related. Maybe by Jan I can resume flights and building pc's again. There a plane



Flight 2013

New year, new flights. So far this year I downgraded back into the props. Another new additons to the list is to fly the low alt routes or high alt routes for the jets. Normally I'll fly GPS direct if for no other reason to figure how long I will be in the air. Now my flights follow the routes and It's still easy to figure the flying time.



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