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Flightsim Meets Real Aviation



This is the time of year here in New England that I start thinking about outside aviation activities in addition to flightsimming. This past weekend I attended my first aviation event of the year, a little open house at one of the local airports. Even small events have their little pleasures (in addition to the hamburgs and hot dogs!) and this one offered a look at the Terrafugia Transition, the roadable light sport aircraft. I've seen the videos...it really is a car that flies (or a plane that drives). I doubt I'll get a chance to fly the real one, but maybe someone is working on a flightsim model?




Another crossover between the real world and flightsimming involves airshow performer Kelly Pietrowicz and her Pitts S2C biplane. If you see Kelly at a show this year you'll see the FlightSim.Com logo prominently placed on the aircraft fuselage. And if you want to fly her plane yourself, you can download it from the FlightSim.Com file library.


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