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X-Plane 10 Scenery--ETNA Ahlhorn Airbase

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X-Plane 10 Scenery--ETNA Ahlhorn Airbase, Germany. Royal Air Force station Ahlhorn or more simply RAF Ahlhorn, is a former Royal Air Force station located 1 mile south east of the center of Ahlhorn, Lower Saxony and 11 miles north of Vechta, Lower Saxony, Germany. Originally, it was a German airbase for Zeppelins. The Royal Air Force (RAF) disestablished the station and it was closed down in the autumn of 1958 and was transferred to the Bundeswehr. Requires OpenSceneryX, RuScenery, R2 Library and the World2XPlane library. Please read the included documentation for installation instructions and where to download the required libraries. By Bjoern Meier.


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